The top replica Lee short 23FW classic round neck pullover sweater with large letters and big logos is here. This year's most ins-style sweater, the classic letters are added today.

The top replica Lee short 23FW classic round neck pullover sweater with big letters and big logo is here. This year's most ins-style sweater, classic letters plus this year's most popular short design Simple, high in wool content, a must-have for everyone. Their products are very conscientious, and the styles are simple, durable, long-wearing, and not easily out of date. Even if you don’t buy it from the official website, it’s a good choice. It’s really good-looking and versatile. The large silhouette is made of paper. The visual effect of people is that people are in clothes It feels like the whole piece is very textured and heavy. The quality is thick and warm. It is good for autumn and winter wear. It is not too suitable for autumn and winter. The color is navy blue. The size is MXLM. Length 46 Bust 100 Sleeve Length 50L Length 47 Qi 104 Sleeve Length 52XL Length 50 Bust 108 Sleeve Length 53

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