Rei Kawakubo cat sweater Rei Kawakubo winter new slim round neck sweater, close-fitting and skin-friendly material, fire color, super temperament and versatile, soft and skin-friendly, comfortable
2025-01-28 19:51:35
Rei Kawakubo cat sweater Rei Kawakubo's new winter slim-fitting round-neck sweater is close-fitting and skin-friendly. The material is hot and the color is super temperamental. It is versatile, soft and skin-friendly, comfortable and delicate to the extreme. There is no thorny feeling at all when worn alone. It is very gentle and high-end knitting technology. You can pass it through the piece. Clearly visible, easily demonstrates light luxury and high-end status symbol, super versatile, slimming, same style for men and women, super temperament, color black, white, size chart 9