Dear friends. Chinese National Day. Our company will have a holiday from (10.1-10.3 “GMT+8” ). resume normal work on October 4. The website will be open normally. If you have any questions, please leave us a message. Our colleagues on duty check information from time to time. Thank you

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:60 Stone Island /Stone Island 22Fw 后背星标大标夹克外套 面料是轻质耐磨的PRO级三层复合面料,质感好,可提供耐久可靠的防水和透气保护,之所以可以称之为全天候的战衣,这个夹克无论是什么溢美之词来形容都不为过,尖端科技防风防水防污面料足以征服所有人,版型也是超级棒,整体设计非常讲究,全身立体裁剪上身效果有型,后背重工罗盘刺绣更是一大亮点,整体十分顺直笔挺,所有细节工艺都无可挑剔,辅料也丝毫不含糊,均是定制开模,让人眼前一亮,方方面面都细节到位 Size:M-XXL

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