Dear friends. Chinese National Day. Our company will have a holiday from (10.1-10.3 “GMT+8” ). resume normal work on October 4. The website will be open normally. If you have any questions, please leave us a message. Our colleagues on duty check information from time to time. Thank you

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上新 会发光发亮的围巾 新款客供银线羊绒面料长巾 美翻了[流泪]【FF银线圆点印花】,御用殿堂级极品‼️新款专柜在售 纯羊绒亮片独特设计风格❗加上富有FDior双F包扣印花 美丽至极 真的9


上新? 会发光发亮的围巾 ??新款客供银线?羊绒面料长巾 ?美翻了[流泪]【FF银线圆点印花】,御用殿堂级极品‼️新款专柜在售 纯羊绒亮片独特设计风格❗加上富有FDior 双F包扣印花 美丽至极 真的 上身极为奢华上档次 稀有~小贵~好看不好看自己看吧 ‼尺寸110x200cm 大长巾,100%顶级纯羊绒

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