Eleven colors are available for you to choose the replica version. Feel free to compare the 1996 Nuptse classic model.

Eleven colors are available, you can choose the replica version and compare it at will. The 1996 Nuptse classic down jacket comes standard with the same handbag. The literal meaning is the coldest and toughest side of the mountain. It is also a place where products can perform their functions. We have always been committed to supporting and discovering intimacy. The logo that nature helps explorers conquer those remote corners that are still untouchable by humans is taken from the Half Circle Mountain in Yosemite National Park in the United States. Dome is also the ultimate goal for rock climbing enthusiasts to climb granite. Imported barudan Behringer embroidery machine, custom-made 10,000-needle electric embroidery, using imported No. 7 needles, imported embroidery thread to ensure that each word is full, three-dimensional and clear. It can be called the most expensive embroidery label. It adopts the national standard 80 The white duck down filling has better thermal insulation performance. It is lightweight and not heavy. It has good loft recovery after compression. The inner lining is made of nylon. The double-layer sealing design will not cause any velvet leakage. The adjustable hem with built-in drawstring buckle can prevent wind and cold. The zippers are made from the Yoshida YKK original factory with customized engravings. The texture is clear and smooth. The accessories and buttons are all made of the same copper core springs as the original ones. Non-commercial iron core springs are used in the down and woven category. We don’t brag about what we can do better than ours. There is almost no effort to make one. This original product gives every customer the confidence to introduce to his customers that this is the top replica version in China. Remember the principle that you get what you pay for. Don’t be greedy for small things, or you will suffer big losses. Our philosophy is to provide quality in the industry. Benchmarking industry quality standard colors Black White Pink Gray Red Wheat Dark Green Spliced ​​Green Navy Blue Spliced ​​Red Spliced ​​White Size XSXXL Shoulder Width Bust Clothes Length Recommended Weight 150170

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