Top-quality replica, feel free to compare with genuine anti-theft buckle handbag and airplane case 115 yuan Yupoo THE NORTH FACE23SS 19

The top-grade replica can be compared at will. Comes with the authentic anti-theft buckle handbag and airplane case for 115 yuan. Yupoo THE NORTH FACE23SS 1992 Armband 30th Anniversary Limited Korean Edition Down Jacket Nuptse Jacket Top-grade Original Down Jacket Yupoo THE NORTH FACE literally means the coldest and toughest side of the mountain. It is also Yupoo THE NORTH FACE. Where the products can perform their functions, Yupoo THE NORTH FACE has always been committed to supporting the discovery and closeness to nature and sponsoring explorers to conquer those remote corners that are not yet accessible to humans. Yupoo THE NORTH FACE The logo of Face is taken from Half Dome, a semicircular shale mountain in Yosemite National Park in the United States. It is also the ultimate goal for rock enthusiasts to climb granite. Features of the fabric. The fabric is made of Shengze original high-density outdoor light waterproof material with RDS certification. High quality 700 high fluffy white duck down weight 300g zipper adopts Yoshida YKK original custom lettering, clear texture, perfect smoothness 9000 quality top ZP zipper 340T high-end down jacket anti-running material Thermal performance is better. It is lightweight and not heavy. The bulk recovery after compression is good. The accessories and buttons are all made of the original version. They provide warmth and protection for outdoor use in winter. The warmth is excellent. It is lightweight and not heavy. Imported barudan embroidery machine and customized 10,000-needle electric embroidery adopts imported No. 7 The imported embroidery thread ensures that each word is full and three-dimensional. It can be called the most expensive embroidery label technology. This 92 down jacket does not boast that it looks better than the classic upper body. The Oversize version is tired of classics. This fashionable and high-looking down jacket must be filled with 700-fill white duck down, which has strong thermal insulation and provides warm protection for outdoor use in winter. Excellent thermal insulation, lightweight and not heavy, size S2XL

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