2 top replica versions are available, with handbags, you can freely compare the fabric used in the 1996 down vest
2024-10-21 02:06:56
2 top replica versions are provided, with handbags, you can compare them at will. The 1996 down vest fabric is made from the same manufacturer as the original fabric supplier. The fine grid nylon gallbladder-free anti-down fabric is the same as the original product. It is the same light and warm down as the national standard 80 white duck down. The best. The high fluffiness allows the down to be really close to the skin, so that more heat can be locked in to achieve warmth. The whole garment is divided into down filling techniques to achieve down jackets with light and thin fabrics. The embroidery uses imported Tajima embroidery technology to embroider the front and rear classics. The logo enhances the sense of visual hierarchy. In addition, look for the white 700D fill power back collar hat on the right hem, which can be stowed away in the collar when not in use. The multifunctional part is also reflected in the fact that the entire garment can be zoomed into the lower pocket into a small bag. Color, black, Pink, white size XSXXL shoulder width, chest circumference, recommended weight Within the normal range