Dear friends. Chinese National Day. Our company will have a holiday from (10.1-10.3 “GMT+8” ). resume normal work on October 4. The website will be open normally. If you have any questions, please leave us a message. Our colleagues on duty check information from time to time. Thank you

▪️价格:¥100<br> ▪️品名:CH 克罗* 十字架奶白重工刺绣开衫 yupoo coat ®<br> ▪️尺码:M L<br> ▪️颜色:白色<br> <br> 毛绒绒羊圈圈好可爱,对这种材质没有一点抵抗力,磕在我的心巴上,真的爱住啦~小小的开衫拥有着可可爱爱的魔力,暖fufu的视觉冲击力,秋冬也太需要慵懒自带氛围感的 yupoo sweaters 开衫,圈圈纱暖白也太温柔了 !弹力亲肤的Fang羊绒圈圈纱编织而成,版型真的很显娇小的一件。<br> <br> 尺码表<br> M 胸围96 衣长59<br> L 胸围98 衣长60<br> 手工测量误差1-2cm

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