Folding gift box, Shu Qi, Ni Ni Xiao station, the same Yupoo GUCCI saddle shoulder bag from major stars, limited edition printed diagonal flower shoulder bag, classic style that will never go out of style and is versatile at any time, available at Qingdao Haizhuan letter counter, perfect box gift Qingdao generation This batch of factory-made original leather is customs-detained goods obtained through special channels gucc

Folding gift box, Shu Qi, Ni Ni Xiao station, the same Yupoo GUCCI saddle shoulder bag from major stars, limited edition printed diagonal flower shoulder bag, classic style that will never go out of style and is versatile at any time, available at Qingdao Haizhuan letter counter, perfect box gift Qingdao generation This batch of original factory leather was obtained through special channels and seized by customs. I have bought several Yupoo GUCCI bags before, and every one of them has been well received. It is definitely very cost-effective and was originally a batch of goods exported to South Korea. Due to the relationship between China and South Korea, it was detained by the customs. Many celebrities obtained through the relationship within the department, the same style is super popular, no matter who you choose, you can match it at will. The original, high-quality bag is absolutely spot-on. Look at the details, wiring, and hardware. This quality product will definitely not disappoint you. I highly recommend it. Whether it is for personal use or as a gift, it is very expensive and supports inspection. It is made of soft leather. It is made of special materials and is made of special hardware accessories for imported cabinets. As you can see from the pictures, it is a good product. Size 25188 Shoulder strap length 120cm
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